Helecos - monitoring and analysis of competitors prices

Parser prices of competitors and control of RRP / MRP violations

Helecos is a competitor's price monitoring service. With our help, online stores set a competitive price, which is "in the market" and allows them to earn more, and manufacturers monitor compliance with the policy of recommended retail prices and find violators of the RRP.

Wide range of competitor pricing sources:

  • A competitor's or retailer's site
  • Marketplaces
  • Price aggregators
  • Google Shopping Ads

Our software for price tracking can operate in the mode of monitoring violators of the RRP / MRPs or as an analytical tool for collecting competitors' prices and using this data on repricing.

Choose a price-monitoring service

Control your competitors' prices with price monitoring

A marketing strategy is a long-term strategy to achieve a competitive advantage over other market participants. One of the fundamental tactics is to form strong price planning. Assigning a certain percentage of the profit, the basis for calculating the price is the original price of the supplier. But as the level of competition rises, the retailer has to take into account the prices of other sellers more and more when setting their prices. Taking into account the preservation of demand and the purchasing power of consumers, we assume that the number of buyers is the same. Then each new seller will take buyers from existing sellers. In such a highly competitive environment, it is imperative to perform price comparisons with competitors to increase your profit margins through an effective pricing strategy.

So how do you perform competitor price analysis in an online sales environment?

  • Long and expensive - manually. If the store has a large assortment, then there is enough time only for the main list of goods. This method does not allow you to track everything quickly and accurately.
  • Fast and cheap/expensive - automatically. It will only be cheap if you choose a tool that does not contain redundant functionality that you do not use, but for which you still have to pay. For example, functions of repricing, forecasting, and advanced analytical tools.
How price monitoring works
Data import
Select competitors
Product matching
Parsing prices
Reports and data export
Use of data in repricing or control of RRP violations

How to choose competitors for analysis?

Competitive analysis is a system of methods to assess current market players and determine a strategy for increasing competitiveness. It makes no sense to track the prices of competitors that do not advertise or are not displayed on the first pages of search engines for targeted queries. The monitoring of such sites is a waste of the budget. Such stores can only make single, random sales, regardless of the price level. It is worth taking into account only those competitors who have high positions in the search engine, give advertisements, and have their tangible share of product sales in the target market. As a rule, each store knows its competitors, but if you have questions about choosing a competitor for monitoring, our specialists will be able to audit competitors and select the most appropriate sources for collecting prices. Also, you can always see the current competitive list on large marketplaces and price aggregators.

How does it work?

    1 Import Products and Categories

    Initially, your data is imported into our system. The following options are available for loading data:

    YML (Yandex Market XML)
    The best option is because supports uploading categories and exchange rates. Description
    Google Merchant XML
    In format RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0 - only supports uploading of goods (without categories).
    CSV file
    In a custom columns format, where you can select the correspondence of the data type in the column. Categories and products must be in different CSV files.
    The most productive and functional method, but requires the creation of an integration module for your site. Our developers can provide examples for implementation.

    For YML and Google files, it is possible to configure the regular loading of data by URL

    This is important for monitoring the RRP so that prices for detecting violations are always up to date. This is convenient in other cases because you can immediately bind new products without having to import manually each time.

    Importing categories is optional, but recommended, as opens up additional possibilities when setting the data update frequency and matching

    You can set limits on the frequency of updates at the category level. For example, set an update for some categories every 4 hours, and for others once a week. Thus, it will always turn out to have up-to-date data on priority goods and always keep the actual secondary goods. Also, importing categories allows you to improve the quality of the automatic matching of goods.
    2 Adding a Task

    When adding a task, you indicate from which site you want to collect data and the default data collection frequency (you can override the collection frequency at the category level)

    Depending on the type of task, there may be additional options for customization. For example, to monitor violations in the RRP, you can set in which cases to send notifications about dumping and what deviation from the price should be considered dumping.

    After adding a task, our employees will write down the rules for processing your site and activate the task

    This can take from several hours to a day, depending on the site.
    3 Product Matching

    After the task is activated, the relevant products are automatically selected from competitors' sites. You can add links manually, but this is not necessary. The following linking options are available:

    Confirm correctly matched links and reject all incorrectly matched links
    The system arranges selected links in order of relevance. At the top are the most suitable products.
    Add specific product URL
    Useful in cases where the system cannot find the right link to the product.
    Specify a search phrase for the product
    In this case, the search will take place on the specified phrase. Useful in cases where your product is easier to find by the simplified name.
    4 Monitoring

    After linking the goods, data collection starts. Depending on the quantity of goods, it may take different times to collect and update all data.

    5 Export Data

    Various options for exporting data are possible:

    Export to Excel (xlsx) files
    Export to CSV files
    Export data via API

Our advantages

  1. A wide range of data sources for collecting competitors' prices: websites and online stores, marketplaces and price aggregators, as well as data from Google Shopping Ads
  2. Determination of promotional prices, discounts, promotions, and product availability
  3. Dynamic monitoring allows you to set up a flexible schedule of checks with a frequency from hourly to 1 time per month, with the ability to launch an extraordinary check at any time. The frequency of collection can be adjusted at the product category level
  4. The system automatically selects options for matching. You do not have to enter the list of links manually (although the system also allows it)
  5. Mode of operation: identification of RRPs violators (dumpers) or monitoring of competitors' prices
  6. Detection of dumping. Notification immediately upon detection of undervalued price
  7. Summary reports for the task and the entire project. The report is only on violations of the RRP and overpriced. With the ability to export data to Excel or via API
  8. Parsing prices in any currency with automatic conversion at your rate. The course can be customized at the level of each competitor separately
  9. Simple and intuitive interface. An online assistant will guide you through all stages of the project launch, and an online support chat will answer any questions that arise in the process of working with the service
  10. The ability to send and receive data from the service via API
How much does it cost?
Checkups count
3 000
Expiration days
30 days
800 UAH
20 USD
20 EUR
Price per 1 checkup
0.2667 UAH
0.0067 USD
0.0067 EUR
Estimated days
Estimated monthly price
Checkups count
40 000
Expiration days
30 days
3 000 UAH
75 USD
70 EUR
Price per 1 checkup
0.075 UAH
0.0019 USD
0.0018 EUR
Estimated days
Estimated monthly price
Checkups count
300 000
Expiration days
30 days
14 000 UAH
330 USD
300 EUR
Price per 1 checkup
0.0467 UAH
0.0011 USD
0.001 EUR
Estimated days
Estimated monthly price
Checkups count
1 000 000
Expiration days
30 days
27 000 UAH
660 USD
600 EUR
Price per 1 checkup
0.027 UAH
0.0007 USD
0.0006 EUR
Estimated days
Estimated monthly price
Contact us for the best offer
Assumes that for half of the products, the data update frequency is set once a week