Pricing plans

for price monitoring and control RRP violations

You have no monthly mandatory payments. You can use all checkups that you paid. The package is valid for 90 days. Online payment for the package (visa / mastercard) is available. All packages have all the functionality of the service.

For the task of monitoring prices from Google Shopping, the check rate is 10 times higher. Consider this when planning your budget.
  • Starting
  • Basic
  • Extended
  • Special
  • Individual
Package Starting Basic Extended Special Individual
800 грн
20 $
3000 грн
75 $
14000 грн
330 $
27000 грн
660 $
Need more?
Checkups count
The number of checkups in this tariff package
3 000 40 000 300 000 1 000 000
Price per 1 checkup
0.267 грн
0.0067 $
0.075 грн
0.0019 $
0.047 грн
0.0011 $
0.027 грн
0.0007 $
One-time free checkup count 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000
Expiration days for checkups
The number of days after which unused checkups from this package will be expired
30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days
Select Select Select Select Select
Number of projects
A project is your set of categories and products. You may have several stores with different sets of products that you need to monitoring on different sites. A separate project is created for each store
1 1 2 No limits
Number of tasks
The task is the site of a competitor or dealer where price changes or compliance with the RRP will be monitored
1 10 10 30
Price change alerts

For each task, you can configure sending notifications to the email when dumping is detected or finished

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Price change threshold for dumping

Setting the values at which a price change below yours will be considered as dumping. There is support for relative deviation (in the selected currency) or absolute (percentage) price deviation

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Product status management

Enabling and disabling products from the data processing algorithm

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Data collection
Automatic matching (beta)

The ability to automatically match your products with competitors' products

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Data refresh rate

The frequency of data refresh can be specified at the task level and at the category level. Thus, you can flexibly manage the project budget. For example, for a not important group of goods, you can set a more rare data update at the category level and thus save your budget

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Detect of availability

Control of the availability of goods from a competitor

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Detect sales and discount prices

Collection of data on promotional offers and discounts on goods

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Force data refresh

Start an out-of-order scan of data. Checks are debited with the balance in accordance with the selected tariff

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Manual matching

Our specialists will manually carry out a comparison of your products and those of your competitors

No No Yes Yes Yes
Many projects

Ability to create multiple projects for tasks. Each project has its own list of products that is used to collect data on tasks

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Price collection is possible from the site with any currency

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Price conversion

Converting prices in accordance with the rate set at the project level. It is possible to have your own price list in currency (USD, EUR, etc.), and prices for comparison will be adjusted to the selected currency and at the specified rate. The ability to set the exchange rate separately for each project

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Processing complex sites

Creation of rules for collecting data from complex sites with scraping protection and non-standard schemes of data placement

No Yes Yes Yes Yes

The ability to independently select the correspondence between your product and a competitor's product (by indicating a direct link or choosing from the proposed options)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unlimited products Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unlimited projects

Each project includes your set of products, common for all data parsing tasks in the project

No No No Yes Yes
Unlimited tasks

Each task includes settings for parsing prices of a specific competitor

No No No No Yes
Data import
Excel (xlsx, csv)

Import from xlsx, csv files of any structure. At the import stage you can choose type of the data in each column

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Google Feed

XML in Google Merchant Feed format (RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Import API

Data import via API

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scheduled data import

For YML and Google Merchant Feed, it is possible to set up regular data import with a specified frequency. In this case, the data must be available at the URL

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yandex Market XML data format

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Data export
Excel (xlsx) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Export API

It is possible to receive data via API

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
API access Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Personal improvements No No No No Yes
Priority support No No Yes Yes Yes
Technical support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes